Thursday, April 17, 2014

Holy Thursday: In Groups and Out Groups no More

As Saint Paul writes, "There is neither Jew or Greek, slave or free, man and woman.  We are all one in Jesus Christ."  In this Holy Thursday's homily, I thought the analogy of the three oils all different in the fragrance of chrism and yet from the same source, the olive tree, was insightful.  We come seeking the same source, Christ, who gives us God's love and life.

At the last supper, Jesus, in washing the feet of his apostles, took the form of a slave.  Our Lord took the form of a slave and, in doing so, destroyed all caste distinctions between ourselves and others.  The act of washing the feet initiated us into the one family of God.  We are all brothers and sisters of each other's (with the added caveat that the Lord's brothers and sisters are those who do the will of God, Matthew 12:46-50).

There are in groups and out groups and the time and energy spent trying to be part of the "in" group or as the rebel in the "out" group is enormous and utterly useless.  Still the temptations remain to create new "in" groups even as we convince ourselves we are eliminating these groups.  So, we argue over methods, means, and ways to solve practically every social problem that comes along.  It is good to remember that we are all from the same source, seeking the same.  Christ is our hope.  Charity is our goal.  Whatever group you are in or want to be in, the Lord loves you very much.

A blessed Holy Thursday!

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